Liste der Veröffentlichungen


  • T. Kumschier, J. Thalhammer, C. Schmid, J. Häusele, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser, F. Schaff. Streak artefact removal in x-ray dark-field computed tomography using a convolutional neural network. Medical Physics , 2024 DOI
  • P. Tang, X. Yan, Y. Nan, X. Hu, B. Menze, S. Krammer, T. Lasser. Joint-Individual Fusion Structure with Fusion Attention Module for Multi-Modal Skin Cancer Classification. Pattern Recognition 154, 2024 DOI
  • J. Häusele, C. Schmid, M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, T. Lasser, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Robust Sample Information Retrieval in Dark-Field Computed Tomography with a Vibrating Talbot-Lau Interferometer. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , 2024 DOI
  • J. Thalhammer, M. Schultheiss, T. Dorosti, T. Lasser, F. Pfeiffer, D. Pfeiffer, F. Schaff. Improving Automated Hemorrhage Detection in Sparse-view Computed Tomography via Deep Convolutional Neural Network based Artifact Reduction. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 6, 2024 DOI
  • A. Riess, T. Dorosti, J. Thalhammer, D. Sasse, A. Sauter, F. Meurer, A. Benne, T. Lasser, F. Pfeiffer, F. Schaff, D. Pfeiffer. Improving image quality of sparse-view lung tumor CT images with U-Net. European Radiology Experimental 8, 2024 DOI
  • A. Wollek, P. Haitzer, T. Sedlmeyr, S. Hyska, J. Rueckel, B. Sabel, M. Ingrisch, T. Lasser. Language model-based labeling of German thoracic radiology reports. Fortschr Röntgenstr , 2024 DOI
  • D. Frank, J. Jelten, T. Lasser. elsa: an elegant framework for tomographic reconstruction. Journal of Open Source Software 9, 2024 DOI
  • A. Wollek, S. Hyska, T. Sedlmeyr, P. Haitzer, J. Rueckel, B. Sabel, M. Ingrisch, T. Lasser. German CheXpert Chest X-ray Radiology Report Labeler. Fortschr Röntgenstr 196, 2024 DOI
  • J. Page Vizcaino, P. Symvoulidis, Z. Wang, J. Jelten, P. Favaro, E.S. Boyden, T. Lasser. Fast light-field 3D microscopy with out-of-distribution detection and adaptation through Conditional Normalizing Flows. Biomedical Optics Express 15, 2024 DOI
  • A. Wollek, T. Willem, M. Ingrisch, B. Sabel, T. Lasser. Out-of-distribution detection with in-distribution voting using the medical example of chest X-ray classification. Medical Physics 51, 2024 DOI

  • S. Hyska, A. Wollek, P. Haitzer, T. Sedlmeyr, J. Rueckel, B. Sabel, M. Ingrisch, T. Lasser. Automatisiertes Labeling Deutscher Röntgenthoraxbefunde durch Deep Learning. 105. Deutscher Röntgenkongress, Wiesbaden, Germany, May, 2024
  • S. Hyska, A. Wollek, P. Haitzer, T. Sedlmeyr, J. Rueckel, B. Sabel, M. Ingrisch, T. Lasser. Deutscher CheXpert Röntgenthorax Befundlabeler. 105. Deutscher Röntgenkongress, Wiesbaden, Germany, May, 2024
  • S. Hyska, A. Wollek, B. Sabel, M. Ingrisch, T. Lasser. Optimierung der Klassifikationsleistung von maschinellen Lernmodellen in Röntgen-Thoraxaufnahmen durch Adaptive Multiple Fensterung mithilfe von Windownet. 105. Deutscher Röntgenkongress, Wiesbaden, Germany, May, 2024
  • D. Frank, T. Lasser. curadon: an Open-Source Foundational Library for Highly Efficient Differentiable Projectors in X-ray Computed Tomography. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Bamberg, Germany, August, 2024
  • J. Thalhammer, M. Schultheiß, T. Dorosti, T. Lasser, F. Pfeiffer, D. Pfeiffer, F. Schaff. Improving Automated Hemorrhage Detection in Sparse-view Computed Tomography via U-Net based Artifact Reduction. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Bamberg, Germany, August, 2024
  • P. Tang, Z. Xu, C. Zhou, P. Wei, P. Han, T. Lasser. Prior and Prediction Inverse Kernel Transformer for Single Image Defocus Deblurring. Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver, Canada, February, 2024
  • M. Ursani, T. Do, H-U. Kauczor, H-P. Schlemer, T. Lasser, S. Schönberg, S. Sawall, M. Kachelrieß. Implementation of the German Lung Cancer Screening Protocol and Image Quality Evaluation over Three Generations of CT Systems. European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, February, 2024
  • J. Häusele, C. Schmid, M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, T. Lasser, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Advancing X-ray Dark-Field Imaging for Human-Scale Applications: Helical CT and Surview Imaging. SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, USA, February, 2024 DOI

  • P. Tang, T. Lasser. Single-Shared Network with Prior-Inspired Loss for Parameter-Efficient Multi-Modal Imaging Skin Lesion Classification. arXiv:2403.19203, 2024 DOI
  • P. Valera, J. Page Vizcaino, T. Lasser. Sparsity-based background removal for STORM super-resolution images. arXiv:2401.07746, 2024 DOI


  • A. Wollek, S. Hyska, B. Sabel, M. Ingrisch, T. Lasser. WindowNet: Learnable Windows for Chest X-ray Classification. Journal of Imaging 9, 2023 DOI
  • E. Pekel, M. Lancho Lavilla, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Runtime optimization of acquisition trajectories for X-ray computed tomography with a robotic sample holder. Engineering Research Express 5, 2023 DOI
  • R. Kaczmarczyk, T. Lasser, T. Biedermann, J. Ring, A. Zink. Revealing clinically relevant specific IgE sensitization patterns in Hymenoptera venom allergy with dimension reduction and clustering. World Allergy Organization Journal 16, 2023 DOI
  • E. Pekel, M. Dierolf, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Spherical acquisition trajectories for X-ray computed tomography with a robotic sample holder. Engineering Research Express 5, 2023 DOI
  • J. Häusele, C. Schmid, M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, T. Lasser, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Advanced Phase-Retrieval for Stepping-Free X-Ray Dark-Field Computed Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 42, 2023 DOI
  • A. Wollek, R. Graf, S. Čečatka, N. Fink, T. Willem, B. Sabel, T. Lasser. Attention-based Saliency Maps Improve Interpretability of Pneumothorax Classification. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 5, 2023 DOI
  • T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, F. Hofmann, M. Schultheiß, F. Pfeiffer, D. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. WNet: A Data-driven Dual-domain Denoising Model for Sparse-view Computed Tomography with a Trainable Reconstruction Layer. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 9, 2023 DOI
  • M.C. Schielein, J. Christl, S. Sitaru, C. Pilz, R. Kaczmarczyk, T. Biedermann, T. Lasser, A. Zink. Outlier Detection in Dermatology: Performance of different Convolutional Neural Networks for Binary Classification of Inflammatory Skin Diseases. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 9, 2023 DOI

  • D. Frank, J. Jelten, T. Lasser. An update to elsa - an elegant framework for tomographic reconstruction. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Stony Brook, USA, July, 2023
  • T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Translating sparse sinogram measurements into reconstruction patches without geometry information via the attention mechanism. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Stony Brook, USA, July, 2023
  • E. Pekel, M. Dierolf, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Spherical acquisition trajectories for X-ray Computed Tomography with a robotic sample holder. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Stony Brook, USA, July, 2023
  • J. Häusele, C. Schmid, M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, T. Lasser, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. X-ray Dark-Field Imaging at the Human Scale: Helical Computed Tomography and Surview Imaging. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Stony Brook, USA, July, 2023

  • J. Jelten, A. Wollek, D. Frank, T. Lasser. Equilibrium: Optimization of Ceph Cluster Storage by Size-Aware Shard Balancing arXiv:2310.15805, 2023 DOI
  • P. Tang, Z. Xu, P. Wei, X. Hu, P. Zhao, X. Cao, C. Zhou, T. Lasser. R-R2KAC: Improving Single Image Defocus Deblurring. arXiv:2307.16242, 2023 DOI
  • P. Tang, Y. Nan, T. Lasser. Graph-Ensemble Learning Model for Multi-label Skin Lesion Classification using Dermoscopy and Clinical Images. arXiv:2307.01704, 2023 DOI
  • A. Wollek, S. Hyska, B. Sabel, M. Ingrisch, T. Lasser. Higher Chest X-ray Resolution Improves Classifi- cation Performance. arXiv:2306.06051, 2023 DOI
  • T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, M. Fleischmann, T. Willem, T. Lasser. Transformer-based interpretable multi- modal data fusion for skin lesion classification. arXiv:2304.14505, 2023 DOI
  • T. Dorosti, M. Schultheiss, F. Hofmann, J. Thalhammer, L. Kirchner, T. Urban, F. Pfeiffer, F. Schaff, T. Lasser, D. Pfeiffer. Optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Detection in Clinical Computed Tomography Imaging. arXiv:2303.07189, 2023 DOI


  • C. Schmid, M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, W. Noichl, J. Häusele, T. Lasser, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Modeling vibrations of a tiled Talbot-Lau interferometer on a clinical CT. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 42, 2022 DOI
  • E. Pekel, F. Schaff, M. Dierolf, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. X-ray computed tomography with seven degree of freedom robotic sample holder. Engineering Research Express 4, 2022 DOI
  • S. Krammer, Y. Li, N. Jakob, A.-S. Böhm, H. Wolff, P. Tang, T. Lasser, L.E. French, D. Hartmann. Deep learning-based classification of dermatological lesions given a limited amount of labeled data. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 36, 2022 DOI
  • T. Willem, S. Krammer, A.-S. Böhm, L.E. French, D. Hartmann, T. Lasser, A. Buyx. Risks and benefits of dermatological machine learning healthcare applications - an overview an ethical analysis. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 36, 2022 DOI
  • M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, C. Schmid, J. Haeusele, M. von Teuffenbach, P. Meyer, F. Bergner, T. Lasser, R. Proksa, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Dark-field computed tomography reaches the human scale. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119, 2022 DOI
  • P. Tang, X. Yan, Y. Nan, S. Xiang, S. Krammer, T. Lasser. FusionM4Net: A multi-stage multi-modal learning algorithm for multi-label skin lesion classification. Medical Image Analysis 76, 2022 DOI

  • A. Braimllari, T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, T. Lasser. Hybrid Reconstruction Using Shearlets and Deep Learning for Sparse X-ray Computed Tomography. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Baltimore, USA, June, 2022 DOI
  • E. Pekel, F. Schaff, M. Dierolf, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Geometric calibration of seven degree of freedom Robotic Sample Holder for X-ray CT. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Baltimore, USA, June, 2022 DOI
  • N. Gustschin, M. Viermetz, C. Schmid, J. Häusele, F. Bergner, T. Lasser, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Dark-Field Imaging on a Clinical CT System: Performance and Potential based on first Results. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Baltimore, USA, June, 2022 DOI
  • C. Schmid, M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, J. Häusele, T. Lasser, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer.. Dark-Field Imaging on a Clinical CT System: Modelling of Interferometer Vibrations. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Baltimore, USA, June, 2022 DOI
  • J. Häusele, C. Schmid, M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, T. Lasser, F. Bergner, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Dark-Field Imaging on a Clinical CT System: Sample Data Processing and Reconstruction. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Baltimore, USA, June, 2022 DOI
  • N. Gustschin, M. Viermetz, C. Schmid, J. Häusele, F. Bergner, T. Lasser, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Performance and Potential of Human Sized Dark-Field CT Based on Recent Results. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Milano, Italy, November, 2022
  • C. Schmid, M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, J. Häusele, T. Lasser, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Modelling vibrations of a Talbot-Lau interferometer with tiled analyzer grating on a clinical CT system. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Milano, Italy, November, 2022
  • J. Häusele, C. Schmid, M. Viermetz, N. Gustschin, T. Lasser, F. Bergner, T. Koehler, F. Pfeiffer. Sample Data Processing of the First Clinical Dark-Field CT Prototype. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Milano, Italy, November, 2022

  • T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Task-specific Performance Prediction and Acquisition Optimization for Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography. arXiv:2207.00332, 2022 DOI


  • J. Page, F. Saltarin, Y. Belyaev, R. Lyck, T. Lasser, P. Favaro. Learning to Reconstruct Confocal Microscopy Stacks From Single Light Field Images. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 7, 2021 DOI

  • J. Page, Z. Wang, P. Symvoulidis, P. Favaro, B. Guner-Ataman, E. S. Boyden, T. Lasser. Real-Time Light Field 3D Microscopy via Sparsity-Driven Learned Deconvolution. IEEE, International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), Haifa, Israel, May, 2021 DOI
  • A. Radutoiu, T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, T. Lasser. Laplace-Beltrami Regularization for Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Leuven, Belgium, July, 2021
  • T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, D. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. A Deep Residual Dual Domain Learning Network for Sparse X-ray Computed Tomography. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Leuven, Belgium, July, 2021


  • A. Stefanoiu, G. Scrofani, G. Saavedra, M. Martinez-Corral, T. Lasser. What about computational super-resolution in fluorescence Fourier light field microscopy? Optics Express 28, 2020 DOI

  • D. Tellenbach, T. Lasser. elsa – an elegant framework for precision learning in tomographic recon- struction. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Regensburg, Germany, August, 2020
  • S. Haninger, M. Wieczorek, W. Wein, T. Lasser. Deep Learning Acceleration of OS-SIRT in X-ray Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Regensburg, Germany, August, 2020
  • T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Fast Task-Driven Acquisition Optimization for Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Regensburg, Germany, August, 2020
  • E. Pekel, M. Dierolf, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. X-ray Computed Tomography with a Robotic Sample Holder. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Regensburg, Germany, August, 2020
  • A. Stefanoiu, G. Scrofani, G. Saavedra, M. Martinez-Corral, T. Lasser. 3D deconvolution in Fourier integral microscopy. SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Computational Imaging V, Anaheim, USA, April, 2020
  • J. Page, P. Favaro. Learning to Model and Calibrate Optics via a Differentiable Wave Optics Simulator. IEEE, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October, 2020 DOI
  • M. Anastasopoulou, D. Gorpas, M. Koch, E. Liapis, S. Glasl, U. Klemm, A. Karlas, T. Lasser, V. Ntziachristos. Fluorescence diffusion correction through a spatially variant deconvolution scheme. SPIE Photonics West BIOS, San Francisco, USA, February, 2020


  • A. Stefanoiu, J. Page, P. Symvoulidis, G. Westmeyer, T. Lasser. Artifact-free deconvolution in light field microscopy. Optics Express 27, 2019 DOI
  • A. Maier, C. Syben, T. Lasser, C. Riess. A gentle introduction to deep learning in medical image processing. Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik 29, 2019 DOI
  • M. Anastasopoulou, D. Gorpas, M. Koch, E. Liapis, S. Glasl, U. Klemm, A. Karlas, T. Lasser, V. Ntziachristos. Fluorescence imaging reversion using spatially variant deconvolution. Scientific Reports 9, 2019 DOI

  • T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Task-driven Acquisition in Anisotropic X-ray Dark-Field Tomography. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Philadelphia, USA, June, 2019 DOI
  • T. Lasser, M. Hornung, D. Frank. elsa - an elegant framework for tomographic reconstruction. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Philadelphia, USA, June, 2019 DOI


  • M. Wieczorek, F.Schaff, C. Jud, D. Pfeiffer, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Brain Connectivity Exposed by Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography. Scientific Reports 8, 2018 DOI
  • Y. Sharma, S. Bachche, M. Kageyama, M. Kuribayashi, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser, A. Momose. Trochoidal X-ray Vector Radiography: Directional Dark-field Without Grating Stepping. Applied Physics Letters 112, 2018 DOI
  • S. Seyyedi, E. Liapi, T. Lasser, R. Ivkov, R. Hwatar, J.W. Stayman. Low-Dose CT Perfusion of the Liver using Reconstruction of Difference. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 2, 2018 DOI
  • S. Seyyedi, M. Wieczorek, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Incorporating a Noise Reduction Technique into X-ray Tensor Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 4, 2018 DOI

  • T. Cheslerean-Boghiu, Y. Sharma, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Detectability Indices in Anisotropic X-ray Dark-Field Tomography International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Salt Lake City, USA, May, 2018


  • P. Symvoulidis, A. Lauri, A. Stefanoiu, M. Cappetta, S. Schneider, H. Jia, A. Stelzl, M. Koch, C. Perez, A. Myklatun, S. Renninger, A. Chmyrov, T. Lasser, W. Wurst, V. Ntziachristos, G. Westmeyer. NeuBtracker – an imaging platform for interrogating neurobehavioral dynamics in freely behaving fish. Nature Methods 14, 2017 DOI
  • Y. Sharma, F. Schaff, M. Wieczorek, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Design of Acquisition Schemes and Setup Geometry for Anisotropic X-ray Dark-Field Tomography (AXDT). Scientific Reports 7, 2017 DOI

  • S. Seyyedi, E. Liapi, T. Lasser, R. Ivkov, R. Hatwar, J.W. Stayman. Evaluation of Low-Dose CT Perfusion for the Liver using Reconstruction of Difference. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Xi'an, China, June, 2017
  • Y. Sharma, F. Schaff, M. Wieczorek, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Acquisition Schemes for Directional Dark-field Tomographic Modalities. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Xi'an, China, June, 2017
  • N. Schilling, M. Wieczorek, T. Lasser. Statistical Models for Anisotropic X-Ray Dark- field Tomography. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Xi'an, China, June, 2017
  • M. Wieczorek, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Micro-structure orientation extraction for Anisotropic X-Ray Dark- Field Tomography. Fully3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D), Xi'an, China, June, 2017
  • I. Laina, N. Rieke, C. Rupprecht, J. Page, A. Eslami, F. Tombari, N. Navab. Concurrent segmentation and localization for tracking of surgical instruments. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Quebec, Canada, September, 2017 DOI
  • J. Page, N. Rieke, D. J. Tan, F. Tombari, A. Eslami, N. Navab. Automatic Initialization and Failure Detection for Surgical Tool Tracking in Retinal Microsurgery. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (BVM), Heidelberg, Germany, March, 2017


  • M. Wieczorek, F. Schaff, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Anisotropic X-ray Dark-Field Tomography: A Continuous Model and its Discretization. Physical Review Letters 117, 2016 DOI
  • J. Gardiazabal, P. Matthies, J. Vogel, B. Frisch, N. Navab, S.I. Ziegler, T. Lasser. Flexible Mini Gamma Camera Reconstructions of Extended Sources using Step and Shoot and List Mode. Medical Physics 43, 2016 DOI
  • Y. Sharma, M. Wieczorek, F. Schaff, S. Seyyedi, F. Prade, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Six dimensional X-ray Tensor Tomography with a compact laboratory setup. Applied Physics Letters 109, 2016 DOI
  • M Baust, A. Weinmann, M. Wieczorek, T. Lasser, M. Storath, N. Navab. Combined tensor fitting and TV regularization in diffusion tensor imaging based on a Riemannian manifold approach. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 35, 2016 DOI
  • A. Fischer, T. Lasser, M. Schrapp, J. Stephan, P. Noël. Object Specific Trajectory Optimization for Industrial X-ray Computed Tomography. Scientific Reports 6, 2016 DOI

  • S. Seyyedi, M. Wieczorek, C. Jud, F. Schaff, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. A Regularized X-ray Tensor Tomography Reconstruction Technique. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Bamberg, Germany, April, 2016
  • Y. Sharma, M. Wieczorek, C. Jud, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. X-ray Tensor Tomography: How much to measure? International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Bamberg, Germany, April, 2016
  • M. Wieczorek, C. Jud, F. Schaff, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. X-ray tensor tomography - a linear system ap- proach to reconstruction. International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Meeting), Bamberg, Germany, April, 2016
  • S. Seyyedi, M. Wieczorek, Y. Sharma, F. Schaff, C. Jud, F. Pfeiffer, T. Lasser. Component-based TV regularization for X-ray Tensor Tomography. International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Prague, Czech Republic, April, 2016
  • N. Rieke, D. J. Tan, F. Tombari, J. Page, C. Amat di San Filippo, A. Eslami, N. Navab. Real-Time Online Adaption for Robust Instrument Tracking and Pose Estimation. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Athens, Greece, October, 2016 DOI